An extremely rare hemidrachm of Narseh
Los 1195
SASANIAN KINGS. Narseh, 293-303. Hemidrachm (Silver, 19 mm, 2.47 g, 3 h), Style B (probably Ktesiphon). MZDYSN BGY NRSHY MRKAN MRKA 'YR'N MNW CTRY MN YZD'N ( ('Worshipper of Lord Mazda, 'God' Narseh, King of Kings of Iran who has lineage from the Gods' in Pahlawi) Draped bust of Narseh to right, wearing crown with arcades, three floriate branches and with korymbos. Rev. NWRA ZY NRSHY ('Fire of Narseh' in Pahlawi) Fire altar flanked by Narseh, standing front on the left, head to right, crowned and holding barsom bundle in his left hand and by attendant, standing front on the right, head to left, waering mural crown and holding barsom bundle in his right hand; above, frawahr and taurus symbols to left and right of flames. SNS II, type Ia/1a. Extremely rare. The flan slightly wavy along one edge, otherwise, very fine.
75 CHF
220 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 22-Feb-20, 22:57:00 CET
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